Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's time...

Ok, so I've decided that's it's time to get serious about getting back in shape. I've been saying that I need to work out for the last couple months now but it just hasn't happened. It probably has a little to do with the fact that I hate working out so after taking care of the family and the house and all the other things that need to be done the last thing I want to do is make myself workout. But I've made the decision to put in the time and effort for me. I've already lost my pregnancy weight but I am far from being in shape. While I wouldn't mind losing a little bit more weight my main goal is to just tone up and get fit. I'm starting out slow with a 24day ab challenge and a 30day squat challenge. Both of these combined shouldn't take 10mins a day so there is really NO excuse for me not to get them done. Wish me luck =).
In other news Zebryna's first tooth has cut through! It's made her a little bit fussy and she's been wanting to nurse more but it hasn't been too terrible. I'm going to get a massage tonight so hopefully she won't be too much of a handful for the hubby =).

My new lock screen on my phone to keep me motivated.

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