Thursday, October 17, 2013

Catch up..

So it's been a while! I've been meaning to blog but things have just been busy and by the end of the day I forget that I want to blog. 
My hubby's recovery has been going great! He's down to using a cane for aid and at home he doesn't even really use that! In so proud of him for the hard work he has put in to get to where he is. But since he's doing so great that means he'll be going back to work next week :(. Now I'm somebody who definitely enjoys my alone time and it's been hard at times to have my hubby home all day everyday for the past month and a half but I wouldn't give it up for the world. Having this extra time with him has been a blessing. He's gotten to see Zebryna grow so much over these weeks. My baby girl is now 4 months old! I can't believe how big she is. She's developing before our eyes. She had her 4 month check up yesterday and had to get shots :( but she was a trooper! She is now cleared to eat rice cereal. She had her first serving yesterday and I think she liked it :).  
As far as what's been going on with me, I've had to drive more since my hubby hasn't been able to since surgery. I know, it's crazy, I'm 25 and still don't have my drivers license. I have my permit so I'm not driving illegally! But growing up in Japan I didn't need to drive (the beauty of awesome efficient public transportation.) and I've been able to get by without needing to drive here in Hawaii until now. But since my hubby's leg has been out of commission I've been forced to do the driving and it's been a good thing. I'm actually getting to the point where I even enjoy it a little (until I hit traffic anyways lol). I've also been a Pinterest junkie. Someday I will have to do a post on all the wonders of Pinterest I go to it for recipes, craft/decorating idea, even housekeeping tips! I've been working on some fall projects that once finished I will share :). 

One of Zebryna's favorite things; bath time with papa!

Trying out that rice cereal!

It got messy... Lol

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