Friday, November 15, 2013

5 months old.

Today my baby girl is 5 months old. She's growing so fast! I don't think I'll ever get over how she develops before my eyes... She has both of her bottom teeth now. She wears 6-9month clothes.She can sit up for a little bit =). She's rolled over a few times but mostly she just scoots around on her back. When she is on her stomach she likes to do the "superbaby" by flailing her arms and kicking her legs. She's discovered that she can reach her feet and is usually trying to pull her socks off or eat her foot. She loves our dog Asher, she likes to sit and coo at him and pet him (when he lets her that is). She loves grabbing and touching everything. Sometimes she'll even reach for me when she wants to be picked up. She's a very happy baby with a smile that just melts my heart. I remind myself often that she won't stay little for long and that I need to soak up and enjoy this time.
All Smile's

She also fits in her big girl stroller.

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