Sunday, October 20, 2013

Another week comes to an end..

I can't believe it's Saturday night already. Time seems to just fly by lately. Next week Zeb will be going back to work and it will be time to get back into the swing of things. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine.
Something I didn't mention last post, Zebryna is officially crib trained! She sleeps in her own room now and everything :).  Most nights she goes down between 7-9, she's up once around 2 or 3 and the down till 5 or 6 at which point I generally bring her in bed with us for a couple more hours. Her favorite time of the day lately is first thing in the morning and then bath time. I have a feeling it has to do with it being when mama and papa are both giving her undivided attention. I'll miss having that  in the morning when the hubby goes back to work. Who knows maybe we'll just start getting up earlier....Haha we'll see about that. 

Bath time!!

Sound asleep in her crib.

Baby got a new toy!

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