Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Upside down and turned around.

So it's been a busy couple of weeks. My hubby got ACL reconstruction surgery last Monday and we spent the days leading up to that trying to fit in as much as possible. Right now I'm sitting in the physical therapy office with our baby girl while the hubby tackles his second day of PT.  Between my hubby, my baby and the doggy I feel like a mother of 3 lately! But I am happy for the extra time Zeb is spending at home with us. Especially with Zebryna growing as fast as she is, it's nice he gets to see it all. Our little bit of a schedule we had going on has gone out the window but I think it's worth :). I do need to get serious about crib training tho because baby girl is growing out of her napper and doesn't sleep well on the pack and play mattress..  I've also taken a week off from trying to get her to take a bottle so that's something else I need to get back on this week.. 

So I wasn't able to finish my entry I started Tuesday.. It is now Thursday and things have progressed! Zebryna took a nap in her crib without me having to rock her to sleep! And last night she slept in her bassinet/pack&play without any problems :). But best of all she just drank a bottle :). My wonderful hubby sent me out for some girl time to get mani pedis and so I decided to pump a bottle just in case he should need it. He didn't use it while we were out so I decided to give it a shot tonight and while she wouldn't take it from me when I held her or rocked her she did take it when I sat her in her chair! While I truly love breastfeeding and that special time I get when I feed her it gives me such peace of mind to have her able to take a bottle. 

Papa post surgery.

My manicure.

Baby drinking her bottle 😃.

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