Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's time...

Ok, so I've decided that's it's time to get serious about getting back in shape. I've been saying that I need to work out for the last couple months now but it just hasn't happened. It probably has a little to do with the fact that I hate working out so after taking care of the family and the house and all the other things that need to be done the last thing I want to do is make myself workout. But I've made the decision to put in the time and effort for me. I've already lost my pregnancy weight but I am far from being in shape. While I wouldn't mind losing a little bit more weight my main goal is to just tone up and get fit. I'm starting out slow with a 24day ab challenge and a 30day squat challenge. Both of these combined shouldn't take 10mins a day so there is really NO excuse for me not to get them done. Wish me luck =).
In other news Zebryna's first tooth has cut through! It's made her a little bit fussy and she's been wanting to nurse more but it hasn't been too terrible. I'm going to get a massage tonight so hopefully she won't be too much of a handful for the hubby =).

My new lock screen on my phone to keep me motivated.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Autumn adventures

Ok, so we had a busy weekend full of good times. We went to our first ever pumpkin patch as a family! In fact it was the first time the hubby and I ever went to a pumpkin patch together. We went Saturday morning and even though it was hot and muggy and didn't feel like fall even a little bit, I was pleasantly surprised at all the great things the pumpkin patch here in Hawaii had to offer. They had a little amusement area for kids, a fresh produce stand, lemonade stand, hay rides and of course lots of pumpkins! You could even go pick corn yourself right next to the sunflower field :). We got some corn and enough pumpkins to make our own little pumpkin patch at home.. what can I say, I got a little carried away.  Saturday afternoon we had a little baby Halloween party which included us and a few friends with their babies :). Zebryna dressed up as Pebbles from the Flintstones and was the cutest thing ever!
Zeb went back to work last week which has helped me get back into the groove of things. I feel like I've been out of it since I had Zebryna really. I finally feel back to normal physically (well for the most part) and so I'm able to take the dog on the nice long walks he needs. Which is good because honestly there were days I wasn't sure I could handle him and the baby. He's a very energetic dog and when he doesn't get the exercise he needs he can be very trying. But he really is a good dog and now that I'm walking him like he needs things are good. Zebryna has a new found interest in him lately which is just too cute. He likes to go up and lick her face and she just squeals with delight. Other times when she's sitting in her exersaucer she'll just watches him. Oh something else new, we've taken Zebryna to the pool a couple times now. The first time I think was a little too cold for her but last time I got a smile outta her :).

Baby's first pumpkin patch!

Sunflower field.

Pumpkin patch at home!

First halloween costume.

Hanging by the pool

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Another week comes to an end..

I can't believe it's Saturday night already. Time seems to just fly by lately. Next week Zeb will be going back to work and it will be time to get back into the swing of things. I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine.
Something I didn't mention last post, Zebryna is officially crib trained! She sleeps in her own room now and everything :).  Most nights she goes down between 7-9, she's up once around 2 or 3 and the down till 5 or 6 at which point I generally bring her in bed with us for a couple more hours. Her favorite time of the day lately is first thing in the morning and then bath time. I have a feeling it has to do with it being when mama and papa are both giving her undivided attention. I'll miss having that  in the morning when the hubby goes back to work. Who knows maybe we'll just start getting up earlier....Haha we'll see about that. 

Bath time!!

Sound asleep in her crib.

Baby got a new toy!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Catch up..

So it's been a while! I've been meaning to blog but things have just been busy and by the end of the day I forget that I want to blog. 
My hubby's recovery has been going great! He's down to using a cane for aid and at home he doesn't even really use that! In so proud of him for the hard work he has put in to get to where he is. But since he's doing so great that means he'll be going back to work next week :(. Now I'm somebody who definitely enjoys my alone time and it's been hard at times to have my hubby home all day everyday for the past month and a half but I wouldn't give it up for the world. Having this extra time with him has been a blessing. He's gotten to see Zebryna grow so much over these weeks. My baby girl is now 4 months old! I can't believe how big she is. She's developing before our eyes. She had her 4 month check up yesterday and had to get shots :( but she was a trooper! She is now cleared to eat rice cereal. She had her first serving yesterday and I think she liked it :).  
As far as what's been going on with me, I've had to drive more since my hubby hasn't been able to since surgery. I know, it's crazy, I'm 25 and still don't have my drivers license. I have my permit so I'm not driving illegally! But growing up in Japan I didn't need to drive (the beauty of awesome efficient public transportation.) and I've been able to get by without needing to drive here in Hawaii until now. But since my hubby's leg has been out of commission I've been forced to do the driving and it's been a good thing. I'm actually getting to the point where I even enjoy it a little (until I hit traffic anyways lol). I've also been a Pinterest junkie. Someday I will have to do a post on all the wonders of Pinterest I go to it for recipes, craft/decorating idea, even housekeeping tips! I've been working on some fall projects that once finished I will share :). 

One of Zebryna's favorite things; bath time with papa!

Trying out that rice cereal!

It got messy... Lol