Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sleep Training..

So it's happened, Zebryna has gotten into the bad habit of having to nurse to sleep. For a little while she was able to be put in her crib sleepy but awake and she would  coo herself to sleep. Then she started to fall asleep while nursing and I would lay her down, which wasn't a big deal (or so I thought) because she would stay asleep. Well then teething hit and a growth spurt and I let her comfort nurse and now she nurses to sleep and then after being put in her crib will wake up in about 20mins wanting to nurse some more. Nursing is the only thing that will calm her and putting her to bed has turned into a hour + event. As a result I am exhausted and dread her bed time. So I've decided something must be done. I've been unable up to this point to let my baby CIO. I've tried a couple of times and always caved. But after a lot of research and much sleep deprivation I've decided to try the Sleep Sense Program. For the sake of my sanity I think it's necessary that Zebryna learn to sooth herself to sleep without nursing. Wish us luck!

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