Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 months old

Zebryna turned 7months yesterday. My baby is growing up so fast (I know I say this every month, but she is!)! She has somehow figured out how to get around without crawling. She scoots, rolls and lunges. Her new favorite thing to eat is mum mum rice crackers. She has 6 teeth  now, 2 on the bottom, 4 on the top!  I swear she said her first words the other day and I have witnesses!! While I was asking her if she wanted boobies (cause I'm that's what I call nursing time) she responded "booby yeah!". Of course she hasn't said it since and Zeb wasn't present to witness it so says it didn't count but I'm standing by it!  She's more communicative everyday and I love it. 

Check out those teeth!

Rice cracker nomnom

On the tallest setting in her Exersaucer

Asher thinks she can throw his kong. .

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