Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lanakai Pillbox Hike

Today we went on a early sunrise hike. We have been wanting to go do the Lanakai Pillbox Hike for some time now and we finally did it this morning! Now we only made it to the first pillbox, there are three all together, but the views were gorgeous and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was a family adventure with the baby and fur baby in tow. Zebryna's godfather came along too :).
After the hike we went for breakfast at a popular spot in Kailua called Boots & Kimo's. They had AMAZING macadamia nut pancakes! And then after we stuffed our faces we went to the beach :). Suffice it to say we had a pretty awesome day.
On another note, Zebryna can now crawl! She doesn't do it all the time but every so often she will bee line it for a object and it is a full on crawl. I almost cried today watching her! A mixture of proudness and realizing how fast she really is growing got me a little choked up. 


Feeding baby on top of a pillbox

So happy with her papa

Look at those big baby eyes

My boys

With the godfather

Lanakai beach

Always getting into my things =)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

7 months old

Zebryna turned 7months yesterday. My baby is growing up so fast (I know I say this every month, but she is!)! She has somehow figured out how to get around without crawling. She scoots, rolls and lunges. Her new favorite thing to eat is mum mum rice crackers. She has 6 teeth  now, 2 on the bottom, 4 on the top!  I swear she said her first words the other day and I have witnesses!! While I was asking her if she wanted boobies (cause I'm that's what I call nursing time) she responded "booby yeah!". Of course she hasn't said it since and Zeb wasn't present to witness it so says it didn't count but I'm standing by it!  She's more communicative everyday and I love it. 

Check out those teeth!

Rice cracker nomnom

On the tallest setting in her Exersaucer

Asher thinks she can throw his kong. .

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We survived night 1

Last night was our first night of trying the sleep sense program. It was excruciating! But after 2 hrs (yes 2!) of babygirl crying on and off and us going in to check on her every 10mins, right when I was about to give up, she fell asleep! And then she slept for a straight 8 hrs! Which is a first. At around 6 am she woke up and I fed her and then I laid her back in her crib still awake and she drifted off without so much as a whimper. 3hrs later we were up for the day. While it pained me to let her cry and as much as I wanted to pick her up and nurse her I'm glad we stuck with it because I desperately needed a good nights sleep.  Hopefully tonight will be better!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sleep Training..

So it's happened, Zebryna has gotten into the bad habit of having to nurse to sleep. For a little while she was able to be put in her crib sleepy but awake and she would  coo herself to sleep. Then she started to fall asleep while nursing and I would lay her down, which wasn't a big deal (or so I thought) because she would stay asleep. Well then teething hit and a growth spurt and I let her comfort nurse and now she nurses to sleep and then after being put in her crib will wake up in about 20mins wanting to nurse some more. Nursing is the only thing that will calm her and putting her to bed has turned into a hour + event. As a result I am exhausted and dread her bed time. So I've decided something must be done. I've been unable up to this point to let my baby CIO. I've tried a couple of times and always caved. But after a lot of research and much sleep deprivation I've decided to try the Sleep Sense Program. For the sake of my sanity I think it's necessary that Zebryna learn to sooth herself to sleep without nursing. Wish us luck!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Living the hilife

It's January 9th and I'm laying on the beach next to my sleeping baby soaking up the sun and thoroughly enjoying the hilife. As ready as I am to move there are definitely things I will miss about living in Hawaii. The beaches being at the top of the list!
It's a beautiful day and I have my sister LeAnn and her hubby Doug in town. We're all just hanging out and enjoying the beauty. Hopefully my hubby will be off work soon and can join. 
Yesterday was Zeb and my 3 year anniversary! I can hardly believe we've been married for 3 years already. I'm so lucky to have found such an amazing man to share my life with. He surprised me with a dozen red roses plus three white ones (my favorite), one for each year. And then he surprised me again taking me to a lovely wine bar for dinner. It was especially sweet because on our first date he took me to a wine bar and I always told him that's why he got a second date ;). 

Beach bummin it up.

The view.

LeAnn and Doug
3 year anniversary!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well it's a week into 2014 now and I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's celebration! One of my very best friends flew in from Japan on new years eve and surprised me! Sadly she had to leave this morning =(. But we had fun while she was here, going to the beach, pools, hiking and touring around the island. My sister and her husband will be here in a couple days so our guest bed won't be empty for long!
Today I spend cleaning house which includes taking down Christmas decorations. As I was taking down lights I was struck with the realization that this was our last Christmas in this house. In April we will be moving to San Diego, which I am very excited about. But I was still a little saddened by this thought because this was the first home where Zeb and I spent Christmas together as a married couple. It's the home we raised our dog Asher in. And the house we brought Zebryna home to... It holds some wonderful memories =).

New Year's Eve on the beach.

Getting ready for the countdown.

New Year's day by the pool.

Love those sun rays.

So proud of my hubby. First hike of the year, first hike post surgery and he's got the baby on his back!

Almost to the falls.

Waimea Falls.