Monday, December 9, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Wow, I cannot believe we're already into the second week of December! I've been meaning to post since Thanksgiving weekend... but better late then never right? One day I will keep up with my blog better (hopefully). Anyhow, so thanksgiving has come and gone. We had a wonderful thanksgiving with some great people. We hosted dinner here and I made a turkey and all the fixings. Mmm I love turkey! Last year I was pregnant and having a major aversion to poultry so wasn't able to make or eat turkey. I definitely made up for it this year =). Of course as soon as thanksgiving had passed it was time to put up Christmas decorations!! Growing up my mom always insisted we wait till the weekend following thanksgiving to put up our Christmas decorations and it is something that has stuck with me and become tradition in my own home. Zebryna was the cutest little helper while decorating =). I'm so excited with it being her first Christmas!
Baby girl will be 6 months in less then a week. She grows more and more everyday. She's nursing well and gobbles up her rice cereal. I've given her banana for breakfast the last 3 days. Sshh.. don't tell my pediatrician, she recommended I wait to introduce other foods till after 6 months. But the way Zebryna eyes our food while we're eating I truly believe she's ready for solids.  I'm considering trying Baby Led Weaning. I was a little bit skeptical when I first heard about it but when I feed Zebryna her rice cereal she grabs for the spoon and is happy to hold it herself while eating off it. So I began to look into BLW (baby led weaning) and the more I research it the more I think I want to try it. I intended to make her food myself anyways, partly to save on money and partly because I like the idea of knowing exactly what she's eating. So it could save me a lot time and energy to go the BLW route. I kind of already tested it out with the banana. Instead of mashing it up and feeding it to her I removed most of the peel, leaving enough so she would have a "handle" and let her feed herself. She loved it! I'm still not 100% sure what I'm going to do but I will keep you all updated. I also welcome any input on the matter!

Thanksgiving Feast!

Christmas Decorating.

Putting the star on her own little tree =)

First Banana!

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