Tuesday, December 17, 2013

6 months old!

My sweet baby girl turned 6 months on the 15th. I can't believe she's already been in our lives for half a year! Yesterday was her 6 month checkup and she weighed in at 18.4lbs and was measured to be 26inches! I can't believe how big she is getting.. She's becoming more talkative lately and can now sit all by herself (with the occasionally topple over). I've added broccoli to her diet and tonight we try sweet potato :). She's also started sleeping 6-7hrs straight at night! Which may not sound like long but is a very welcome step up from 5hrs.
Last week we had friends come visit from Florida. We also had the hubby's command Christmas party and our ugly Christmas sweater party that we threw with our neighbors. It was a busy week but a lot of fun :). 

Baby with her broccoli.

Christmas photo shoot at home.

Masquerade Christmas Party.

Ugly sweater party.

Santa hats all around.

Hanging with the big kids.

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