Monday, August 26, 2013

Adjusting to life with a baby.

Before our daughter was born my husband and I would always say we weren't going to let having a baby change us. We weren't going to be "those parents" who stopped going out or socializing with our friends. And while we have been able to keep up a social life and not stay cooped up in the house all the time, having a baby has definitely changed things. We don't stay out as late and leaving the house tends to need to be coordinated with the baby's feeding schedule. My day to day life at home is a juggling act of taking care of the baby and her fur brother, housekeeping, and trying to get other projects done around the house. I'm one of those people who likes to tackle something head on until it's finished. I would rather not do something at all then do it partway. But I'm learning that with a baby it's just not always possible to get things done in the manner that I would like. So sometimes only half the dishes get done. Sometimes only the dusting gets done and vacuuming waits til another day. And then there are some days (however rare they may be) where cleaning and laundry gets done as well as dinner made all before my hubby gets home. And let me tell you, those days I feel like freaking superwoman! But even on days where nothing gets done as long as I get a smile from my daughter I feel pretty awesome =). She has a way of making everything better.
This past week was a great one with dinners with friends and neighbors as well as a great beach day! Zebryna is now 10weeks 2days old and developing right before our eyes. I'm extremely blessed to have good friends who are also mama's. It makes life a little easier for sure =).
My loves.
Little beach bum

Zebryna and her fur brother.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm finally doing it...

..I'm finally starting a blog. I have been thinking about doing this since I was pregnant. Now my baby is 9 weeks old and I am finally getting around to it. It helps that my neighbor and a friend of mine have both started blogs that I enjoy reading. They, and my husband are my motivation.
So I'm a new mama and I am loving it. I'm very blessed to have a beautiful healthy baby girl. I'm a stay at home mom which surprisingly, I enjoy. I never thought I would be the type to want to stay at home but now that I am a mother I'm extremely thankful that my husbands job allows me to be able to. My husband serves in the US Navy which makes me a navy wife. Something else I never thought I would be.. what can I say, life is full of surprises =).
I am in the process of trying to crib train my daughter, Zebryna. Not so much because I want to but more so because I feel like I need to because they say the transition becomes harder the older the child gets. My problem is I love having her in the room with us at night I would probably co-sleep if our bed was a little bigger. But with our queen size it just isn't comfortable. Especially for my hubby who has to get up early for work and needs his sleep. That being said, after my hubby leaves for work Zebryna often joins me in bed =). Anyhow, back to crib training. Since I'm not all that eager to have her out of our room quite yet I'm taking baby steps. This week we have started hanging out in the baby room more to try and get her use to the different sights and smells. I also try and bring her in for her naps. She took a good 45min nap in her crib yesterday for the first time. Usually she will wake up after a few mins after being put down in there so I have been going between having her sleep beside me on the guest bed (which is in her room) while I do things on the computer like write my blog ;). And putting her down in the crib. I do feel like letting her sleep on the bed beside me has helped because she's adjusting to the room but still has the comfort of me nearby. We shall see how the rest of the week goes. For now my baby is awake and I must go. Because who can resist this face...